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Blog Articles

A beautiful friend saved or evicted!

Article #8 - 20/08/2020 14:48

I noticed this butterfly in my shed a couple of weeks ago. Closed up on the door. Thought I'd see if it was still alive, and to my pleasure it opened up. Thinking it shouldn't still be in the shed, I moved my finger towards it and notice it was attached to some cobweb. Untangling it, it was happy to climb aboard and seemed quite happy staying on my finger.

It opened its wings from time to time, which made holding the phone and trying to get the thing in frame and focus was tricky. I didn't know just when it might fly off!

I tried to unload it and it flew about 6ins and closed up again. After loading the mower into the car, I went back and as I approached it once again, it flew off into the breeze.

Hope it was the right thing to do.

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